What does all this mean?

Basically it means you won’t have to remember some silly usernames you chose for multiple games years ago. Now, all you need to do is remember which email you used for your NCSoft account.

As far as the free NCoin, it’s a nice gesture, but I also feel it’s just a way to lure you into spending money in their cash shop. I say this for a few reasons; the first is they put a time limit on the free currency, so it forces you to look in the shop to see what’s worth getting. Next, 400 NCoin won’t get you very much; I have 1200 that has been sitting in my account for a year, and I can maybe get a mount with it? Finally, you have to spend your accumulated NCoin first, which means you have to purchase other things before you can spend your free NCoin if you’re like me.

Like I said, it’s a nice gesture but it’d be nicer if they didn’t put stipulations on it.