With the Facebook account comes a leveling system that favors anyone who chooses to connect their social media account to the game. For example, a player that reaches level 24 on their account, can split instantly into 2x18 mass blobs, giving Facebook users a much easier time when coming up against guest players.

All this has left most of the fan base for Agar.io outraged, considering that you cannot just make an account for the game. So, when you log on now it’s either Facebook or nothing, and most of those who don’t have a Facebook are going to have a really hard time trying gain any size for the miniscule blobs they start out with. 

A lot of the outcries are being posted on the Agar.io subreddit page, where tons of fans are expressing their concerns. They’re even offering better solutions to the problems going on now. Even though some are pretty helpful like this one, keep in mind that it is Reddit, and some are expressing their displeasure with some sarcasm. For now none of these problems have been addressed, and even an AMA with the creator requested by fans has been ignored.

It has not exactly been a fun week for fans of Agar.io with all that has happened to their beloved game, but worst of all this happened without them having a say in any of it. No matter how many of them express their extreme opposition to these changes, it seems that Agar.io simply does not care, as they continue to monetize the game at the expense of fans. 

One user wanted their message heard loud & clear. 

Now new questions arise in the subreddit: how long it will take before Agar.io includes microtransactions into the game, such as gimmicks like Pay-to-Win? Only time will tell.