Battle of the Consoles

While Sony displayed the better content during their press conference, we learned that most of that content would be available for Xbox users as well. In the end, for platforms, it really came down to three things deciding factors:

The first is used games. I do like having new game, but being able to pick up a questionable title used, and getting it cheaper than the cost of getting it new, is good sometimes. Secondly, the optical device on the Xbox One, and the fear of privacy invasion. Due to the design of the One, users need to maintain an internet connection. Ultimately the “always on” optical device is really poor judgement on Microsoft’s part. Lastly, the price. Because you are also paying for the optical device hardware, the Xbox One is $100 more than the Playstation 4. So in my opinion Sony won platform wise.

What about Games?

As far as game companies go, the two teams I watched with great interest were Bungie and Square Enix. As excited as I am for Destiny, I have to admit Square Enix just brought that extra wow factor this year. Announcing Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 at approximately the same time was a huge success for Square Enix. On top of that,  they also showed off Final Fantasy XIV:ARR, Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Blood Masque, and Deus Ex: The Fall.

Bungie had a spectacular display for Destiny. Even though they lost to Square Enix this year, they still sold me on their product, so I guess it’s not really a loss for them if you look at it that way. I will continue watching these two companies with great interest in the future and share my thoughts on upcoming announcements with all of you.