In one circumstance, there will barely be anything that would end discreetly, while for another situation, numerous conflicts will emerge consistently. One more contentious video has showed up on the web, catching the public’s consideration.

As per the most recent reports, Afia Schwarzenegger, a socialite and Ghanaian entertainer, has deleted her questionable video that caused a ton of conversation on the web. The Ghanaian entertainer eliminated a video from her Instagram account that reported her visit to the popular Nogokpo Shrine.

Keep perusing to become familiar with the video that was erased and the justification for its evacuation. The entertainer eliminated the video in the wake of getting a brutal admonition from Shrine overseers, who guaranteed it was contrary to their principles and pointers for companions to make online sanctuary distributions during or after a visit to the place of worship.

It is certainly taboo for the buddies to share any photographs or recordings on the web. For the most cutting-edge data, visit

Afia Schwarzenegger: Who Is She? Subsequent to finding out about the episode and the place of worship’s advance notice, the entertainer picked to bring the video down. Regardless of the way that the video has previously turned into a web sensation on the web and is being shared on different virtual entertainment locales.

Since the eradicated video showed up on the web, it has turned into an entirely impossible subject of conversation. A few group have been discussing it, and they need to get more familiar with it. As per various studies, the entertainer visited the cherished hallowed place Nogokpo Shrine trying to show media pundits that she was putting her best self forward contrary to the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

The Ghanaian entertainer shared a photograph and a video of herself before a sign that peruses “Nogookpo,” as well as a note on the photograph that peruses “I intend to take care of business.” However, doubters started to mock her once the photo was transferred on the web.

Disputable Afia Schwarzenegger Video Mona Gucci, a TV have, was one of the numerous pundits who chastised the entertainer for her photographs,’ guaranteeing that she was told by a Shrine official that the entertainer had not visited the sanctum.


— CruiseFest🥂🎙🎥 (@urbantrendgh) June 12, 2022

The TV have additionally said that Afia distributed a video in which she should be visible strolling shoeless on the sanctuary grounds. Afterward, in a meeting with a media source about the place of worship’s virtual entertainment posting, the head of Nogokpo expressed that it was completely taboo for anybody who visited the sanctuary to distribute photos of the sanctum or any exercises that might have unfolded all through the Shrine via web-based entertainment.

“At Nogokpo Shrine, we help various individuals. We don’t endure the entertainer’s internet based silliness and garbage since she came to the local area to trade motion pictures and pictures on the web. It is not the slightest bit suitable.” Togbui Amuzu guided the media to cover what is happening and report on it.

Amuzu likewise expressed that the entertainer’s latest proclamations are a reason for concern, and that they adversely affect them, and that they will make a move against her. We’ll reconnect with you again.