As per Matt Johnson of Channel 2, the drawn out bodycam video of the officials holding Antoine Sims on August 5 was recorded.

Bodycam film shows Antoine let an official know that despite the fact that he and his life partner were expecting their food and a receipt when they submitted the request, they didn’t have the foggiest idea about their request number since they didn’t have the receipt.

Is Adelisa Murtovic Murder Suspect Antoine Sims Arrested Again? Indeed, Antoine Sims, the suspect in the 2018 homicide of Adelis Muratovic, was arrested again. At the point when he was seen getting into a battle at McDonald’s over fries, the police made the capture.

Muratovic was allegedly killed in 2018 while riding in Smith’s vehicle’s front seat, as per specialists.

Adelisa Muratovic, then, at that point, 21 years of age, with her sweethearts Michael Smith and DeShaun Flournoy visited the Retreat at Johns Creek lofts on October 29, 2018, as per Johns Creek police. The gathering supposedly started trading gunfire as they moved toward Sims to purchase weed.

Police express that while her body was still inside the vehicle, Antoine drove it to a Lawrenceville region and set it on fire. It was found ablaze the next morning around 3:30.

Sims, Smith, and Flournoy were each accused of criminal homicide. After a month, Smith and Flournoy handed themselves over, however Antoine was captured in Wisconsin in 2019.

He purportedly left the battle’s scene and made a beeline for The Ellison lofts on North Roberts Road on Friday.

He had been imprisoned starting around 2019, as per court records from Fulton County, when his $275,000 bond was approved in February. Because of his inability to show up in court in the wake of being set free from confinement, he had a capture warrant.

Sims was accused of criminal trespass, impediment of policing, a warrant that was as yet dynamic.

Antoine Sims Gets Arrested For Dispute Over Fries At McDonalds On August fifth, Georgia police captured Antoine Sims. An individual associated with murder was captured after a fight over cool McDonald’s French fries.

As indicated by WSTV, Sims and the supervisor both professed to have called 911 subsequent to getting into a contention and reviling at each other.

Police then scrutinized the owner of the eatery. He requested that Sims “fix my (swearword) supper” in the wake of blaming Sims for tossing a beverage at him.

Sims was approached to leave the property, and upon Sims’ refusal, the eatery proprietor gave a lawbreaker trespass ticket.

Officials later found Sam on bond with a functioning warrant for his capture after they looked through his name in a police data set, as per the episode report.

Sims was then approached to sign a lawbreaker trespass notice by the police after that. The Georgian wouldn’t finish the desk work and asserted he feared it, in spite of the official’s confirmations running against the norm.

What Happened With Antoine Sims From Georgia? Antoine Sims, a local of Georgia, is associated with killing a lady in 2018 who was tracked down dead in a consuming vehicle; in any case, he didn’t appear in court to deal with serious consequences regarding his direct.

Sims was being looked for by Fulton County for neglecting to show up in court on a homicide accusation, and police began seeking after him.

Afterward, in the wake of being sought after by police to a close by high rise and being arrested, he was tasered by officials.

As per booking records, he was all the while being held without bond at the Cobb County Adult Detention Center as of Friday, August 12.