They have expressed interest in creating more out-of-game content for games like Hearthstone, and are already planning on making a movie based on the Call of Duty series.

Nick van Dyk, who worked as a strategist at the Walt Disney Company, has been announced as co-president of this new studio. The creative executive is yet to be announced.

Skylanders Academy is the first TV show in production, based on the very successful video game Skylanders. This new animated series, as well as a bevy of other planned content, is currently in the process of hiring writers, directors, ad editors. 

These past few weeks, Activision Blizzard has rapidly been expanding their company, by not only creating a brand new eSports division, but also by buying King Digital Entertainment for almost $6 billion dollars. 

The upcoming Warcraft movie is being made by Legendary Pictures, as the deal between Blizzard and Legendary was made in 2008, before Activision had actually purchased Blizzard. 

Is this a good idea on Activision’s part? There has yet to be a truly successful video game adapted movie, either critically or commercially, but all the buzz surrounding both the Warcraft and Assassin’s Creed movies proves that there is definitely a audience for this type of content.

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