Developed by the Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment, Skyforge brings some dynamic combat, deep character customization, and Phantasy Star Online-style hub questing to 2015’s MMORPG line up. I’d honestly be lying if I said I wasn’t having a good time with the game.

The combat is very much like that found in Blade & Soul, with your primary attacks being tied to the left and right mouse buttons and eight additional abilities on the keyboard. The combat itself may be similar and just as tight, but it’s not as fast as Blade & Soul. It also gives far more character growth for the dedicated player and the ability to change one’s class on the fly, among other unique aspects.

Skyforge is currently in its Early Access phase for Founder’s Pack buyers. Founder’s Packs are still available and come with a number of benefits over players jumping into the game for the first time in open beta.

Open beta begins next Thursday, July 16th. There will be no character wipes after open beta, so your characters in OBT will carry over until launch.

If you’re itching for a new MMO and like action combat and sci-fi, Skyforge may be your best bet this summer. It’s really a lot better than it looks at first glance.